This has been a strange series. Major Noah Gantz has been living an unusual life aboard a living starship called “Kayan”. That’s the creatures name as well as it’s species name. Noah has a never before experienced physical relationship with the ship since it found his wrecked Earth warpship almost destroyed and then saved Noah’s life. She did so by using some of her own biomatter which formed an inseparable bond between the two. That all happened a long, long time ago.
Kayan’s crew has grown over time with many of the crewmembers now there because they couldn’t or wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. One such alien, they were all aliens to each other, was Wozim, a fierce Tyton warrior, who has befriended Noah. Now Woziam has found his own planet and started raising his own tribe. He has two almost grown children that he’s asked Noah to take aboard Kayan so they can learn from him and the ship. So Oltim and Talliz, worriers just like their Father, have joined the crew and are ready to protect it from it’s many enemies.
One feature of Kayan is that she is totally pacific. She can’t and won’t harm other living creatures and prefers to heal anyone she finds in distress. Yet, she has enemies or Noah has enemies because of his actions against the Gavant, the ruthless power governing the Reach. Yet, recently, Noah and Kayan have found another enemy more powerful than the Gavant. They are the Taliz who are squid like aliens that seem to want to destroy everything. For some reason unknown to Noah, the Taliz have it in for him and he fears they are going to the Solar System and specifically Earth to destroy it and all its citizens. Noah needs to stop this, of course.
So, Noah and his crew agree to head first back to Jyko, the myterious prizon planet that holds the former monarch of the Tytons. They hope to find more information about the Seer deives that now are used by Noah. Noah has all five of the devices and seems to be able to use them without much difficulty, unlike the others who tried one piece each. They won’t find much there, but they do learn that there’s a certain Gavant who hunts Kayan and she’s on Kayan’s trail. They have to do something about her and soon.
Their journey is going to take them a lot of places. Some places they’ll find terrible things. In their journey to Earth they come across a Hoyon that seems dormat in an abondon star system with an almost destroyed Kayan floating in the Ort cloud. Noah’s Kayan must help the Hoyon and certainly must help her kindred sister. She takes aboard the Hoyon and starts healing it only to find out that this particular Hoyon came from Earth. It also must be returned to Earth and very soon.
So, Noah and his living starship continue on towards Earth where he has a reunion with his Grandfather who just happens to be the President of United Earth. Noah discusses the fact that the Taliz may be on their way to attach Earth. His Grandfather says that Noah has to help because the Earth is no where near advanced enough to face these alien creatures and their deadly warships.
Noah starts wondering just why the Taliz are fighting for the Seers, an all powerful race of aliens that very little is know about. Eventually Noah finds a cryptic answer that the Seer has some power over the Taliz and that’s why they fight for them. Noah has to find what controls the Taliz and destroy it or at least end the Seer’s control of the Taliz. Once he does that, he hopes the Taliz will no longer desire to destroy Earth.
Yet time is limited. The Taliz are on their way to Earth and Noah has to go to the far, far reaches of the univers to confront the Seer. Kayan does even know if she can make that kind of journey without serious injury. And, even if Noah is successful, will he be in time.
Although this series and every book is kind of confusing, some of it starts to make sense after a while. There’s a lot more going on than just what’s contained in this review so you’ll need to continue reading the sereis in book 6, “United Nexus”, now available on Amazon.