
5 Small Stars

I wish I hadn’t started this book!  Oh, not that it was bad or anything, but now that I’ve read it, I’m either done with the series or will have to wait until another book is published.  I hate to wait.  I’m fortunate to be able to latch on to some of these books that have been developed through two or three volumes but then I sit and real all of them one right after another!  I should probably not do that but I really like reading about characters whom I feel I know.

This book does a wonderful job in building up characters and making them seem almost real.  Captain Eric Weston is about as real as you can get without making a movie.  Of course he does some pretty fantastic things and does hardly ever get a scratch, but that’s why he’s such a hero.  And in this book, they need all the heroes they can get.

Looks like the Earth is done for.  The Drasin have started attacking and although the Odyssey tired to wipe out as many as they could and did a pretty good job of doing so, they left something like 400 still orbiting around Earth.  And now the Odyssey has been destroyed, going down to the planet but going down fighting.  Everyone except Weston evacuated the Odyssey to the Enterprise but Weston is making sure the Odyssey fights for all it’s worth while crashing.

Is it possible that Captain Weston can survive this crash landing.  The Earth sure needs him even though he’s only one man.  Now that the Drasin are in orbit they are sending down their shuttles with their army drones which will start eating the planet alive.  Something or someone is going to have to come to the aid of Earth but who is there to do so?


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