The *Spacehog*, Nathan (Nate) Briggs spaceship has returned from their Asherah hunt and are attempting to meet up with Serena and Raylin. They had both went looking for the mysterious academy that had produced Lanaya. She was a young girl that had been kidnapped from Earth programmed for some unknown reason. She had very little memory of who she was or where she had been, but she did know it was some kind of academy and lots of other kidnapped beings were with her.
Nate didn’t want Serena to go looking for the academy. He felt strongly that she might get in trouble. She has been a nurse back on Earth and didn’t have any kind of training that would help if she got into trouble. Raylin, an alien shapeshifter, could take care of herself but Nate didn’t think she could take care of both of them if things got really deadly. Nate figured that whomever was running this academy was doing so illegally and would do whatever it took to keep anyone from snooping around.
But, Serena didn’t believe Nate should go looking for the Asherah. She was afraid that Nate and his ship would run into Griff Tarkan, another archeologist, who would definitely kill if Nate and the *Spacehog* interfered with what he was doing which was also looking for the Asherah. It turns out that Serena was right and Nate and his crew barely made it back to normal space.
Nate knows he shouldn’t have gone and Serena realizes she probably should have stayed with Nate. They have a budding romance going, it’s obvious to everyone except them. Nate and the *Spacehog* have been looking for a signal from either Serena or Raylin for months now. Where they thought they might be hasn’t panned out so now they are looking elsewhere and have a lead on a planet in the Datronia Star System, so that’s where they are headed.
This is where most of the excitement in this book takes off. This planet, Datronia is very restrictive of what can be done on their planet. They don’t allow fully powered combat suits which is exactly what Nate was planning to wear. He had other power it down and was informed by Crim, the ship’s engineer, that he shouldn’t use full power or flight capabilities anywhere on the planet. He’d find himself in jail for sure if that happened.
The land on the planet and begin following multiple leads. Needless to say, Nate eventually ignores the warning given to him by Crim and goes in hot pursuit of a transport vessel he thinks might have Serena aboard. Everything becomes chaotic from that point on. Suffice it to say this leads not only to Nate getting arrested, but he and his crew having to flee to Earth to defend his parents!
This appears to be the end of this series. It was a good read even though I didn’t particularly like the main character, Nathan Briggs, in the beginning. Still everything turned out and the good guy got the girl so that’s a good ending, right?