
4 Small Stars
Quantum Lens

You must read this book or it won’t exist!

Now I could be wrong about that but if I learned anything from this book, it’s that quantum physics is something I know very little about.  This book is a real good mystery story which I usually don’t read. I did enjoy it though. It turned into one of those books you can’t put down.

I wasn’t sure who the main character was going to be but soon found out that there were/are three, Dr. Alyssa Aronson, Brennan Craft, and Eben Martin. While all three are central to the story, you really don’t get a full blown background on any of them and it’s really not necessary. Just know that all of them are geniuses and two are very, very rich!

Brennan Craft starts out getting lucky with an on-line dating request with Alyssa!  That’s fiction right there.  If she’s half a good looking as he describes her, this would never, ever happen!  Anyway, he thought they would be extremely compatible and he also needed her scientific talents.  I’ll just say Alyssa isn’t what she appears to be and that is a University professor.  You really need to read the book to find out what she really is and how she can help Brennan.

I found the story easy to read with some very exciting parts.  Even while discussing world domination, the conversations seem to make this reader say, “Well, yes, that could work!”  I will caution you, some of you will see the ending before it happens, although, that ending only happens because you read it!

Great book.  Give it a read!

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